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Discovering talent is one of the biggest challenges that businesses face today. In the area of Technology and Innovation, the challenge seems to acquire a distinct dimension, and the emergence and evolution of technologies require the hiring of increasingly qualified professionals with broad knowledge and a great ability to adapt to the constant market changes. Recognizing this challenge, EQS has focused part of its Human Resources activity on finding the best talent on the market.
Therefore, the establishment of partnerships with the best Higher Education institutions has proved to be one of the most important aspects, in the sense of establishing firm commitments, aimed at raising awareness and finding high potential professionals, who can provide added value to EQS and the markets in which it operates.
Thus, 2016 was characterized by the participation in Fairs and other events, promoted by some of the best Higher Education establishments at national level. University of Minho, University of Coimbra, IPAM, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and Instituto Superior Técnico were some of the institutions that counted with EQS’s presence in recruitment and talent discovery events.
In addition to the presence in events that promote the direct contact with young people and the promotion of EQS’s brand, the hosting of curricular internships and the accompaniment of students in the development of master’s and doctoral dissertations are also part of the established strategy. “The preparation of students for their professional future and their observation in a work context are aspects that allow us to understand their true potential,” explains Alexandra Caraslindas, Corporate Human Resources Manager at EQS. “In addition, several of these finalists, and even recent graduates, find here the possibility of undertaking a professional internship within their training area, which can mean the beginning of a career,” she adds. The success of the partnership established between students, institutions and EQS has been notorious as various internships evolve to employment proposals. EQS thus enables young talents to start a career in highly competitive and innovative areas.
The students’ and participating organizations’ merit have been allowing that several of these internships evolve into employment and integration proposals.
Given the market’s demands, and being considered one of the most relevant and promising areas for the development of future careers, entering the Technology and Innovation area requires the development of transversal competences and solid academic pathways, fundamental in the specialization areas. EQS therefore seeks creative, competitive, enterprising people willing to learn, grow and cope with the most advanced technology.
As a short-term project, EQS aims to continue to develop strategic partnerships with entities from different areas, seeking to welcome and accompany the academic pathways of promising young people, contributing to the development of distinct competencies that allow the development of successful careers in the Technology and Innovation area. Among the several areas in which EQS has been recruiting talents, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Network and Systems Engineering, and Marketing are some of the highlighted areas.