EQS GLOBAL Deliver highly competitive, specialized professionals, services, and solutions using state-of-the-art technologies and in-house software.
EQS Global is an independent service provider for the highly demanding industries, dedicated to Asset and Risk Management.
Always pushing Up
The strategic partnerships established with international investigation centers has promoted the development of competitive technology in order to meet and exceed clients’ needs and expectations.

“Finding new solutions and achieving better results is what moves us on a daily basis.”
Hélder Araújo
Group CEO & Co-Founder
Jun 2005
● Beginning of EQS – Engineering, Quality and Safety Services, Ltd
● First contracts to perform Machinery and Lifting Equipment Inspection, Safety Supervision and Environmental Monitoring
2006 – 2010
● Strong investment in Technology and Staff
● First Contracts for Non-Destructive Testing
● Company Accreditations and Certifications
2011 – 2014
● Creation of Civil and Structural Engineering Business Unit
● First International Projects (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Morocco, UK and Poland)
● Beginning of EQS Africa Project and creation of EQS Angola and EQS Mozambique
● Strong collaboration with International R&D and Technology Development Organizations
2015 – 2016
● H2020 Phase I Innovation Award
● H2020 Phase II Innovation Award
● Creation of Asset Monitoring Business Unit
2017 – 2019
● Creation of Software Business Unit
● First International Projects in Renewables
● First Wind Energy Offshore Project
● International Expansion with projects in USA, China, Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
Corporate responsability

Since its first days in the market, EQS Global top management has adopted a Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) management system as a strategic decision. Along these years, this integrated and certified system has provided the tools needed to face daily challenges with confidence, to promote continuous improvement and sustainable growth, and address all clients’ and stakeholders’ concerns.
EQS Global has an Integrated Policy to excellence in providing services in the areas where it operates, continually improving the performance of your Integrated Management System, and giving priority to ethics, safety, health, and preservation of the environment. (View)
Our purpose
Deliver highly competitive specialized services and solutions to support companies managing their assets and operations, ensure quality and compliance, improve reliability and performance, and avoid the occurrence of incidents, provided by a highly qualified technical team, using the most advanced technology.
Our Path, Our Vision
To be a worldwide respected engineering and technology provider of digital asset management services.
Our True Values
These values form the corporate culture that EQS puts in practice every day, and that define the company’s character and practice. These are the performance and decision-making basis, and with them EQS distinguishes itself from its competitors, working with its clients and always aiming to ensure high quality and professionalism levels.

Our People
Ensure Legal, Regulatory and Technical Compliance
• Meet any legal, statutory and other asset management requirements while keeping safety, integrity and environmental risks under control;
• Comply with quality assurance requirements ensuring that all aspects of asset management activities conform to relevant standards, specifications, and other requirements;
• Assessing the risks and impact associated with technical change and the people involved;
• Plan for and respond to incidents and business disruptions, in order to continue business operations at an acceptable predefined level;
• Contribute to sustainable development through a socially responsible behaviour;
• Improve risk management and corporate governance and a clear audit trail for the appropriateness of the taken decisions and their associated risks.
Reduce Operating Costs
• Manage integrity and reliability during the entire life cycle, in order to reduce plant failures and downtime;
• Adequate asset knowledge and condition information, and full control through advanced technology;
• Qualitative and quantitative risk-based decisions. Optimal combination of costs, asset-related risks, the performance and its condition;
• Adequate information about the asset’s associated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In particular, understanding the relationship between asset management activities and the actual or potential effects upon short-term and long-term costs, risks, performance and asset life cycles.
Performance Improvement
• Limiting possible disruptions caused by unexpected events and associated consequences;
• Managing conflicting priorities of asset utilization and asset care, short-term performance opportunities, and long-term sustainability;
• Design optimization considering performance attributes, risk exposures, and the assets’ economic life;
• Process optimization through advanced simulation during conceptual design and operations;
• Enhancing client satisfaction from improved performance and control of product or service delivery to the required standards;
• Improving health, safety, and environmental performance;
• Optimize return on investment;
• Improving corporate reputation, enhancing shareholder value, improving product/service marketability, greater staff satisfaction and more efficient and effective procurement from the supply chain.
Avoid the occurrence of incidents and limit their consequences
• Reduce the loss of human lives;
• Reduce the risk of human failures;
• Improve response mechanisms in case of an incident or emergency;
• Minimize economic and material damage from natural and man-made disasters;
• Increase environmental protection and minimize the impact;
• Increase the resilience of critical assets.
What makes us different
All the achievements result from EQS’s employees and partners dedication. In all our projects we have a common goal: contribute to the improve client businesses and collaterally positively affect their employees, families, and the society in general.
We are curious and forward-thinking, constantly looking for insights and new approaches to solve industry long-lasting problems. We are committed to helping our customers improve their efficiency, providing them with adequate expertise and innovative engineering and technology solutions.
All the achievements result from EQS’s employees and partners dedication. In all our projects we have a common goal: contribute to the improve client businesses and collaterally positively affect their employees, families, and the society in general.
Our goal is that the result of our services has a major impact on our customers’ business results. We strive to capture and retain the best talent, because doing so ensures the creation
of a pool of knowledge and wisdom, capable of providing deep industry insights and solving complex problems wherever and whenever the client demands requirements.
We believe that collaboration is the key to our success. We continually search for ways to incorporate new fields of knowledge and expand the team with valuable new inputs and additions.
We strive to be there for the client whenever needed, or even, when the client is not yet aware that it needs help. We reinvent ourselves according to each project, linking its parts
and collaborators as it sees fit.
We design a sustainable and resilient path ahead. A path that grows and adapts organically. We are committed to performing our best, regardless of clients or competitors, as one of our main goals, it’s to always overtake our marks.
We strive to provide an unrivalled level of service and to contribute to the sustained growth of our customers through the execution of accurate, interested, and high-quality services based on technical and human skills.