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On December 4, EQS received the visit of Ana Lehmann, Industry State Secretary, with the purpose of presenting the company and its strategy of innovation and internationalization.
Since its beginning in 2005, EQS has been setting its business strategy not only in expanding the portfolio of services provided in the most demanding industries, such as Oil & Gas, Renewables and Energy, but also in its services’ modernization and innovation. An example of this is the recent allocation of funding by the European Commission, through the SME Instrument Horizon 2020 mechanism, which awards EQS for its investment in innovation. Recognizing its journey of more than 12 years and its commitment in this area, EQS was visited by Ana Lehmann, Industry State Secretary, in order to present the company’s facilities, as well as the H2020 project, through the brand UNO.
Combined with the strategy of innovation and investment in the area of technological development, EQS has also been focusing on internationalization, as a natural and strategic consequence of the growth and expansion of its line of services. The consolidated EQS Angola project becomes a concrete example of the achievement of this objective, also presented during Ana Lehmann’s visit to the group’s headquarters.
Currently formed by several fronts and departments, EQS focuses its actions in several industries. Its experience of more than a decade, coupled with its latest focus on innovation and technology services as a way to adapt the company as well as its customers to the digital age, represents a constantly evolving business base. The visit of the Portuguese Industry State Secretary, as well as the recognition of the company’s projects by different entities, thus serve as a starting point for new growth opportunities in 2018, both in the Technology and Innovation areas as well as in the core areas of EQS, through continuous investment in the improvement of the services provided.
It’s confirmed and official! EQS’s NANO has just entered the exclusive group of companies awarded with the H2020’s second stage of development prize. After a long journey working side by side with our clients, providing innovative and disruptive solutions dedicated to physical and human assets, NANO development project’s potential and novelty have once again been recognized.