Asset Management > Safety Inspection & Machinery Safety
Safety Inspection & Machinery Safety
EQS Global performs safety verification, assuring that these are adequate for the safe and reliable performance of workers in their operation tasks, reducing risks, and optimizing assets and equipment resources.
EQS safety inspectors examine workplace equipment to make sure it’s suitable for employees to use. Our experts have a complete understanding of various tools found in different work sites.
EQS Global is a Certified Inspection Company, and accredited Non-Destructive Testing laboratory, offering a full range of services dedicated to inspection, and the necessary knowledge to support its clients throughout the assets’ lifecycle.
EQS Global is also a LEEA – Lifting Equipment Engineers Association – certified company.
Lifting Equipment Inspection & Certification
EQS Global performs safety verification of lifting equipment, assuring that these are adequate for the safe and reliable performance of their tasks, not putting other assets and people in danger.
EQS Global services include:
● Safety Inspections and Testing
● Non-Destructive Testing
● Accident Examination
● Failure Analysis
● 3D Laser Scanning

● Reverse Engineering
● Structural and Safety Analysis
● Design Engineering Solutions
Work Equipment
EQS Global is the competent entity to guarantee the compliance of Work Equipment with all applicable safety requirements, developing the following activities:
● Checks after installation or installation in a new place, before starting or restarting, if the safety of the work equipment depends on the conditions of its installation
● Periodic Checks and, if necessary, Periodic Tests on work equipment subject to influences that may lead to risky deterioration
● Extraordinary checks of work equipment when exceptional events occur, such as changes, accidents, natural phenomena, or prolonged periods of non-use, which may have serious consequences for their safety
Machinery Safety Technical Assistance
Directive 2006/42/EC is applied to machinery, lifting accessories such as slings and chains, and safety components, and mandates that machine builders indicate compliance by placing CE marking on their equipment. Its main intent is to ensure a common safety level in machinery placed on the market or put in service in all member states and to ensure freedom of movement within the European Union.
EQS Global services include:
● Safety Inspections and Testing
● Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
● Structural and Safety Analysis
● Certification Technical Support
● Accident Examination

Structural Analysis & Design Solutions
EQS Global carries out safety verifications and simulations with the most advanced calculation tools, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), performing static, dynamic and non-linear Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) and applying displacement, forces and numerical methods.
Whenever an asset or component don’t have the needed technical details such as drawings, bill-of-material, manuals, and other engineering data, EQS develop a Reverse Engineering process.
Fall Protection Equipment
In almost every industry, there are areas where workers are subject to the risk of falls. Developing and implementing comprehensive fall protection programs in the workplace can prevent injuries and fatalities, as well as a significant reduction of the costs associated with injured employees and their medical providers.
Regular safety inspection of individual and collective protection against fall equipment is mandatory and essential for working safely at heights. To maintain the safety integrity level and service life, all equipment must be thoroughly inspected by experienced technicians, able to ensure that all safety measures are put in place and that all regulatory standards and legislation are being met.

Electrical Inspections
Failures in electrical installations are potential hazards that can result in fires, explosions and power outages. Regular testing and inspection are essential in order to check if they are in satisfactory condition for continued use.
Electrical equipment must be submitted to demanding Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and the condition monitored by regular testing and inspection.
Fire Safety Systems
Fire safety systems have a crucial role in ensuring the safety of a plant. They can protect lives, and your business assets, minimizing unnecessary costs or other losses.
In order to sustain this level of protection, all these systems must ensure high reliability through an effective inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance program.
EQS Global inspection services employ all the necessary tests to guarantee safety and fit-for-purpose of fire safety systems.

Fairgrounds & Amusement Parks
Fairgrounds and amusement parks, when properly operated and maintained, can be considered safe places. Most accidents happen due to inappropriate safety measures and integrity failures, causing injuries or fatalities. These assets must be operated and maintained in such a way that an adequate safety and integrity level (SIL) is achieved.
EQS Global certified inspectors have experience in the inspection of fairgrounds and amusement parks, needing to be able to analyse all components related to safety and to perform the necessary testing, aiming to guarantee the safe operation of the assets.
Accident Examination & Expert Witness
Work equipments are the pillar of any major construction project. Used on a daily basis, most of the related accidents occur due to safety issues and material mishandling. For this reason, it is important to carry out regular safety inspections, as they provide a means of detecting potential hazards, and preventing failures. Besides this, these procedures are used to ensure the equipment’s safety and reliability, and compliance with all statutory requirements.

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